Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How Nutritional Imbalance Can Cause Cancer

Our nutrition starts with the soil. Man will be forever dependent on the iron laws of nature, because the soil produces all his nutrition, as our body is adapted through millions of generations to this natural food. When man disturbs the biological balance there, dire consequences fall on him.

Rice is the main food staple of asiatic peoples. When civilization came and polished it white and prettier, important minerals and vitamins were removed and thus a disease was caused, called Beriberi.

In addition to damage to the soil, the food is refined, canned, bottled, powdered, frozen, color added, poisoned by sprays, etc, until finally it becomes a mass of dead, unnatural, partly poisoned substances. A body fed in such a way loses the harmony and cooperation of the cells and finally its natural defences, immunity and healing power.

That is the reason why our surgeons observe what the statistics show: A comprehensive survey of cancer statistics reveals an increase in incidence, morbidity and mortality, in spite of improved X-ray techniques, increasingly extensive operative procedures, and education regarding early detection. It appears that the problem of the so - called hopeless case will remain large for some time to come... Quoted from the Journal of the American Medical Association. Where there is no civilization there is no cancer (the Hunzas, Ethiopean people, etc.) Where civilization starts to change the nutrition, cancer develops.

It has been proven that cancer can not develop in a body with normal metabolism. This is the basic fact for a cancer therapy where the liver plays the essential part. The liver is affected to the highest degree by the artificial food transformation, as it is the filter for the entire digestive apparatus. It is a storage place, and besides, it transforms the components of our foodstuffs. It composes the ingredients for the hormones, activates and reactivates the vitamins and enzymes (there are about 600 different enzymes), thus, regulating and protecting the most vital process of our life. In addition to these functions, the liver is the most important organ for our detoxification.

Treating diagnosis is only possible when the localized symptoms, namely the cancer growths, appear. Orthodox medicine is treating these symptoms only. This is apparent by the ever - increasing percentage of recurrences after the growths are cut out. The real underlying cause is neglected. No wonder that many leading surgeons at the end of their careers, come to the conclusion that surgery is not the answer to this problem. The same conviction was claimed by the radium and X-ray authorities, who even sent a warning from the International Congress in Rome to the American Medical Association that every X-ray treatment shortened the life of the patient.

With proper nutrition, the condition of the metabolism and the liver will show immediate improvement. It is deceiving, however, to regard the disappearance of symptoms as a cure. To remove the underlying cause and accomplish the cure of cancer, means the re-establishment of the whole metabolism, especially that of the liver.

About the Author:

Clara Nolt is interested in health and cancer research. Some of Clara's work can be seen at Cancer Cure Book and One Stop Health Resources

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