Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Value Of A Balanced Alkaline-Acidic Diet

As early as 1931, Nobel Prize Winner - Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the fact that cancer cells are unable to breathe in oxygen, therefore making it impossible to survive surrounded with high oxygen levels.

It has been stated that cancer tissues are acidic.

Blood delivers oxygen to the tissues of the body, however, if there is too much acid in the environment then there is insufficient oxygen. In order to have sufficient oxygen to carry blood to the tissues, there must be sufficient alkaline in the environment.

Consuming alkaline rich foods or drinking water with alkaline may help to have an alkaline rich environment. There are water filters that one may purchase which can produce alkaline water. There are also books that will tell the exact foods and the correct amounts that should be consumed on a daily basis in order to have a balanced alkaline body.

It is very beneficial to have the body well balanced with the correct amounts of alkaline and the correct amounts of acid. Most people today are likely to have too much acid, especially in the US. If you get too much acid in the environment there is a great possibility of of a serious deteriorating disease occurring, such as pulling calcium from the bones in order to neutralize the acid.

The body system may be altered if the cellular level is too acidic.


Calcium deposits from the bones into the arteries will cause the arteries to get stiff , restricting the flow of oxygen and nutrients which causes the blood pressure to rise which may result in a heart attack.


Cells producing digestive enzymes without nutrients will not be absorbed, resulting in under nourishment. Undigested food ferments, leaving toxins within the body.


Calcium begins to be pulled from the muscles, which causes the muscles to cramp and then out from the bones which could result in osteoporosis or collapsing of the vertebrae, causing severe back pain and perhaps degenerative arthritis.


Brain cells may get out of proper function and the chemicals needed to communicate to the rest of the brain cells and through the nerves and the spinal cord may not be produced, causing different effects.


Colon cells may not properly function, causing various symptoms such as constipation,diarrhea, hemorrhoids and bacteria which causes disease.

Other systems can also be affected. The immune system where the cells don't produce the correct antibodies. The respiratory system where the oxygen coming from the lungs doesn't properly get to the tissues by way of the blood. The urinary system may not properly dispose of wastes, which can result in painful kidney stones. The glandular system which produces hormones may be affected, which could lead to increase in weight.

These are some of the serious side effects of an unbalanced alkaline and acidic diet. It is highly recommended to do everything possible in order to have a healthy body which can prevent cancer as well as other life threatening diseases.

** Be nice to your body and your body will be nice to you! **

Clara Nolt has an interest in natural cancer cure research. To learn the truth about natural cancer cure, vist Clara's website at Cancer Cure Book

Natural Skin Care and Your Health

In this day and age, almost all skin care products contain synthetic ingredients and petro-chemicals that can eventually damage the skin and other parts of the body. Some might think that it isn't harmful having these substances in constant contact with the body, as these substances can be absorbed into the skin and the body organs to some degree.

Some might also go on to say that the skin is the most elastic organ of the body and that commodities on the skin can be formed by what is put on from the outside and what is captured into the body. Have you ever taken notice to what happens to the skin of a heavy smoker? The aging process is noticeably accelerated with visible signs of heavy wrinkles.

If one creates an environment within the body that is highly acidic from eating lots of foods which contain white flour and sugars, making it more difficult for the body cells to take in nutrients. If one does not treat the body well over the years, the skin and other body parts will suffer, paying a visible price. One can then choose to do more unnatural things, such as taking medicines and drugs to correct it or even get a face lift, but a healthy alternative would be to educate oneself on how to take proper care of the body in general.

If one were to go into any typical American family home and inspect the assortment of cosmetic products, up to 25 products may be found containing hundreds of unique chemicals. The challenge is, what is the aftermath of these chemicals on the skin and the body? There has been a little research on part of them, however the testing is not as intensive or strict on products that are externally applied as they are to those taken internally. Just because someone is permitted to sell them does not mean that they are safe to apply to the skin or to bathe your children in them every day. It is wise to do research yourself on the products you use to see if they really are safe for you and your family.

Something might be said about foods that are grown organically without pesticides or chemicals and also drinking lots of fresh water and the unmistakable effect it can have on proper hydration of the body and skin.

This data is not meant to be a medical or exact judge on these matters, but to make a point that there are options to the skin care products and the foods that are on the markets today, which are being sold in order to make someone a profit, but may not in fact, be in the best interest of the customer.

Clara Nolt has an interest in natural cancer cure research. To learn the truth about natural cancer cure, vist Clara's website at Cancer Cure Book

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Diet And Disease - The Connection

Diet and disease are more and more recognized to have a close connection than ever before in history. There is much evidence proving that what we consume has a tremendous impact on our health. Nutritional science had its beginnings in the eighteenth century, and the appearance of vitamins in our food and the connection between diet and disease became known in the twentieth century. It is obvious to most folks that a diet void of nutrition and diseases are related.

Early discoveries from the most thorough study to ever be undertaken on the connection between diet and the impact it has on the risk of producing diseases are challenging a large number of Americans dietary beliefs. This study was performed in China and it paints a vivid picture of an eating plan, based on plants that will inevitably promote good health, rather than disease.Eating lots of animal protein is not necessary to prevent iron deficiency anemia and is, in fact, linked to terminal diseases. The Chinese who ate the highest amount of protein, especially animal protein, had the highest rankings in diseases such as, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

In researching nutrition, the connection between the food we eat and disease have been acknowledged a long time ago. What has not been as apparent is the connection between nutrition as a whole and most every kind of disease, from simple colds to cancer. Even if you are genetically prone to certain diseases, a nutritious diet can greatly diminish the risk of gettig any of them.

Child-hood diets have a great impact on latter years in life. A rich diet consisting of large amounts of protein, fats and calcium, which are rapid growth inhibitors, will greatly boost a womans danger of getting cancer of the breast and also of the reproductive organs of the body. The Chinese study also strongly suggested that people with hifg levels of cholesterol are more likely to get diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. It was proven that low cholesteral levels can protect against, not just heart disease, but also against colon cancer, which is the most ordinary of the life threatening diseases in America. Chinese mortality ratings from cancer of the colon were lowest where the cholesterol levels were the lowest.

We are primarily vegetarians in nature and our diets should consist of a variety of fruits and vegetables and othet plant based foods. Our animal food consumption should be minimal. The body needs lots of water in order to flush out all the toxic waste. This keeps the skin, hair and all the organs of the body healthy, producing enzymes that will easily digest. This in turn, will empower the body to pick up all the valuable nutrients from the foods we eat.

Healthy foods are vegetables rich in minerals, which are carrots, peas, tomotoes, swiss chard, spinach, string beans, brussels sprouts, artichokes, beets cooked with apples, raisins, ect. Fruits and vegetables should be stewed in their own juices to avoid the loss of minerals that are easily dissolved in water during cooking. It seems that these valuable minerals are not so well absorbed when they are out of their colloidal state. The best way to prepare vegetables is to cook them slowly for one and one half to two hours, without water. This type of preparation will greatly enhance the taste of food and will also add to the longevety of life.

Clara Nolt is interested in health and cancer research. Some of Clara's work can be seen at Cancer Cure Book and One Stop Health Resources

Monday, June 2, 2008

Some Good Resources For Your Health Concerns


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Cancer-Free -- Second Edition. Gentle, Non-toxic Healing Of Cancer Is Not Only Possible -- Ive Done It For Over 2,000 People In The Last 7 Years. Join My Crusade. Help People Avoid The Barbaric Chemo, Radiation And Surgery Which Kills Millions Of Cancer Patients Every Year.

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Cancer - Step Outside The Box. Discover The Truth About Cancer That Your Doctor Doesnt Know And The Drug Companies Hope You Never Find Out.

Click Here!


The Doctor Who Cures Cancer. Dr. Robert Atkins Wrote, 'a Must-Read For Anyone Interested In The Battle Against Cancer And Aids.' The Medical Director Of Sloan-Kettering Said, 'Patients Walk In Dead And Walk Out Alive!' Bonus Report: How I Cured My Own Stage 4 Cancer For About $10!

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Alternative Cancer Treatment Guide. How To Successfully Treat Cancer Using Inexpensive, Proven, Natural Therapies.

Click Here!


Cancer Cure Secrets. Overcome Cancer! - The Source For Information On Cancer Cures.

Click Here!


Natural Cancer Remedies That Work. The Most Effective Natural Cancer Remedies From Dr. Morton Walker.

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Cancer: From Diagnosis To All Clear In 11 Months. Glenn Johnsons Personal Story Of Victory Over Esophageal Cancer Without Surgery. This Book Includes His Medical Reports And The Nutritional Regime He Followed.

Click Here!


"Discover Everything You Need To Know About Parkinson's Disease: Diagnosis, Medical Concerns and Treatment, Coping With Your Emotions, Daily Care, Family Life, Caregiving and More..."

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Home Remedies For Better Health. Offering The Complete Health Guide To Self Healing, Shows You How To Treat Any Disease, With Herbs, Herbal.

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Diabetes Guide. A Comprehensive Guide To Beating Diabetes - Dramatically Improve Your Blood Sugar Control, Reduce And Eliminate Your Need For Insulin Shots.

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Revealed: How to "Normalize" Your Blood Pressure DRUG FREE in 3 Weeks or Less, Using a Safe, Natural, Home Remedy!

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How Nutritional Imbalance Can Cause Cancer

Our nutrition starts with the soil. Man will be forever dependent on the iron laws of nature, because the soil produces all his nutrition, as our body is adapted through millions of generations to this natural food. When man disturbs the biological balance there, dire consequences fall on him.

Rice is the main food staple of asiatic peoples. When civilization came and polished it white and prettier, important minerals and vitamins were removed and thus a disease was caused, called Beriberi.

In addition to damage to the soil, the food is refined, canned, bottled, powdered, frozen, color added, poisoned by sprays, etc, until finally it becomes a mass of dead, unnatural, partly poisoned substances. A body fed in such a way loses the harmony and cooperation of the cells and finally its natural defences, immunity and healing power.

That is the reason why our surgeons observe what the statistics show: A comprehensive survey of cancer statistics reveals an increase in incidence, morbidity and mortality, in spite of improved X-ray techniques, increasingly extensive operative procedures, and education regarding early detection. It appears that the problem of the so - called hopeless case will remain large for some time to come... Quoted from the Journal of the American Medical Association. Where there is no civilization there is no cancer (the Hunzas, Ethiopean people, etc.) Where civilization starts to change the nutrition, cancer develops.

It has been proven that cancer can not develop in a body with normal metabolism. This is the basic fact for a cancer therapy where the liver plays the essential part. The liver is affected to the highest degree by the artificial food transformation, as it is the filter for the entire digestive apparatus. It is a storage place, and besides, it transforms the components of our foodstuffs. It composes the ingredients for the hormones, activates and reactivates the vitamins and enzymes (there are about 600 different enzymes), thus, regulating and protecting the most vital process of our life. In addition to these functions, the liver is the most important organ for our detoxification.

Treating diagnosis is only possible when the localized symptoms, namely the cancer growths, appear. Orthodox medicine is treating these symptoms only. This is apparent by the ever - increasing percentage of recurrences after the growths are cut out. The real underlying cause is neglected. No wonder that many leading surgeons at the end of their careers, come to the conclusion that surgery is not the answer to this problem. The same conviction was claimed by the radium and X-ray authorities, who even sent a warning from the International Congress in Rome to the American Medical Association that every X-ray treatment shortened the life of the patient.

With proper nutrition, the condition of the metabolism and the liver will show immediate improvement. It is deceiving, however, to regard the disappearance of symptoms as a cure. To remove the underlying cause and accomplish the cure of cancer, means the re-establishment of the whole metabolism, especially that of the liver.

About the Author:

Clara Nolt is interested in health and cancer research. Some of Clara's work can be seen at Cancer Cure Book and One Stop Health Resources

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Alzheimer's Disease - Symptoms & Coping Needs

Alzheimer's disease is a symbol of dementia or the gradual loss of a sound mind. It is progressive in nature, while gradually robbing the victim of the ability to think and to properly function, sometimes lessening their lifespan. Alzheimer's disease is not a standard part of the aging process. You do not normally expect this to happen in the latter part of life. Alzheimer's disease is not the rule, but rather the exception in old age.

Some of the suspected causes quite often involve the following: the persons age and the history of the family, certain DNA genes,higher than normal deposits of protein in the brain, problems with the immune system and other environmental factors.

It is necessary to watch for warning signals and indications of alzheimer's disease. You can distinguish Alzheimer's from other dementia distinctive changes that take place in the brain, but are only visible with a microscopic exam. during an autopsy. Alzheimer's is a neuro-degenerative and progressive disease that takes place as nerve cells die in the brain, resulting in the memory and thinking becoming impaired, as well as confusion and restlessness, behavior and personality changes, flawed judgment and communication skills and unable to follow instructions, deteriorating in speech, flawed thought process involving visual and space awareness and emotional insensitivity. With alzheimer's disease, motor performance is often protected.

Forgetting pieces of knowledge or information gets more routine and there is less of a chance of remembering. The person may sometimes not recognize friends and family members, which is perhaps the most painful aspect of alzheimer's disease. It is needful to gather as much information as you are capable of gathering, as your doctor is going to ask many questions regarding medical conditions which are both past and present. He will want family history of other members who possibly may have had the disease in some form or other. There are some families who may have several members that have been afflicted, but because of being open to the identical surroundings, it may not be possible to know how much of the fault lies in heredity. There may be times when there is no one available that is capable of answering such questions. Therefore, having collected this information could prove very valuable for all concerned, in helping your doctor with an early diagnosis of alzheimer's disease before the condition is too aggressive.

Alzheimer's disease is very disruptive and stressful for the entire family. Alzheimer's, as well as other dementia problems with the memory, judgments and also with the thought process, make it difficult for the patient to work or to take any part in the daily social and family life. Those who have alzheimer's disease, as well as the family and other care-takers, need as much love and support as possible, from family as well as friends, in order to cope with the situation.

The Mayo Clinic has experts who offer lots of information and advice concerning the treatment and needed care for patients who are afflicted with alzheimer's disease. They will be able to answer many of your questions and explain the process of this disease.

Clara Nolt is interested in health and cancer research. Some of Clara's work can be seen at
  • Cancer Cure Book and One Stop Health Resources
  • Wednesday, April 30, 2008

    Organically Grown Foods And Your Health

    Growing your own organic food is a good choice. Growing organic foods is better for both the environment and also healthier for our bodies. However, it is not an easy task. It is a standard known fact that the land we use to grow organic produce should be at least three years without pesticides.

    Health benefits include higher nutrient levels and lower pesticide residue. Also you can be assured that there are no additives, such as, preservatives and food colorings which cause chemical imbalance in the body. The soil, water and air are likewise benefited.

    During animal feeding trials, it was discovered that animals that were fed with organically grown food had noticeable improvement in overall health and recovery from illness. It would be very beneficial to have more organically grown food as an option in our stores to choose from, which would provide for a much healthier lifestyle for many people.

    As people are becoming more and more conscious of their health, organically grown foods are becoming more available. An organic diet will improve overall health in more ways than one. You will have the benefit of extra fiber in a natural diet of unrefined foods which helps the digestive system and the complete body to function more naturally. Organic grown produce has greater nutritional value than those grown commercially.

    It can often get more expensive to eat healthy organic foods in the short term, but in the long term it could save from expensive hospital and doctor bills and you will more than likely experience a longer, healthier life span. By changing your lifestyle and eating healthy foods, you will improve on your health, giving your body the ability to enhance the immune system, which in turn, helps to ward off illness and disease caused by toxins in the body.

    Organic food is natural and very delicious to the taste, without all the pesticides that are present in commercially grown foods. You should choose to eat mostly fruits and vegetables, as there is much nutritional content that will work together to keep a clean and healthy colon. We are constantly surrounded with environment of fast and processed foods which are so lacking in the nutrition that is found in nature. It is also considered that obesity may be caused in great part by a lack of good nutrition. Those that are concerned with fighting against diseases already know that the human body was designed to fight off diseases before they establish themselves.

    Consumers,by a large part, are not aware of all the chemicals and pesticides that are in commercially grown foods. Therefore, they are not aware of the enormous benefits of organically grown food. There are more and more horror stories that should cause people to be aware of the danger of the poisonous chemicals that are killing our children and families.

    In Northeast Portland, there is a place called, Wholefoods Market Fremont, which offers a large selection of healthy foods grown organically. Then in the Midwest you can find a wholesaler known as, United Natural Foods. Concern about farming practices among large farmers, has caused a huge demand for organic and health food staples.

    By Clara Nolt
    Clara Nolt is interested in health and cancer research. Some of Clara's work can be seen at
  • Cancer Cure Book and One Stop Health Resources
  • Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Cancer Cure, Prevention, Treatments and Diet

    The dream of curing cancer is no longer a dream. Alternative cancer cures are being hushed because drug companies wants no competition. The foremost step to curing cancer is to get as far away from american pharmaceutical medicine as possible! The horrible truth is that curing cancer is no longer about the cure or the patient, but about greed .and politics. For instance, doctors prescribe high cost treatments that haven't been tested or uncertain in the effectiveness of curing cancer, and in some circumstances are, without doubt, cancerous themselves.

    How long is it going to take before Americans will ultimately stop supporting the cancer industry at the expense of thousands and thousands of lives each year, and begin to be arduous about cancer prevention and the true cures that exist already. Cancer prevention and cures are simply a threat to the cancer industry. The prevention, cure and cause of one kind of cancer also applies to other kinds and possibly all degenerative diseases as well. Cures are now realistic because we have learned what triggers cancer and we also know how to stop these deadly diseases in their tracks.

    If you or a loved one are facing a frightening diagnosis of cancer and are feeling pressured into using mainstream conventional treatments, such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, you are not alone. The less you know about cancer, the easier it will be for the cancer industry to manipulate you and seduce you into their system of harmful treatments. Too many people have watched loved ones miseribly die after suffering the horrible side effects of toxic conventional methods. More and more are turning to alternative methods instead. The pharmaceutical industry uses their huge amounts of money to pay others to keep quiet and crush the truth about alternative treatments for cancer. Until a medical facility is established that incorporates all potential therapies into individualized treatments, cancer patients, along with their families, must become self empowered and fully educated about their disease. Medical treatments do retard disease progression, but have done little to prolong life.

    The AMA tries to discredit all of these alternative therapies and at the same time is making a fortune managing all of these diseases that are easily preventable and curable if people will just turn to therapies like raw or slightly cooked foods and eliminate all animal products and processed foods from their diets. Diet, exercise, reducing exposure to environmental risks and not smoking will greatly improve your over all health. Eating foods of different colors will have a tremendous effect in preventing and curing cancer. Curing cancer is very easy when you make fundamental changes to your diet and lifestyle.

    The fiber content of our diets began going down as we began eating more and more refined foods. A high fiber diet moves through the intestines faster and easier and produces a soft stool that is easy to discharge. A low fiber diet, on the other hand, will produce adverse effects. A high fat diet may play a part in the development of particular cancers. An alkaline diet is composed of very little meat and sugar and lots of fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet is fat and sodium restricted and high in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. A diet lacking in basic nutrients can weaken the immune function and raise the risk of several types of cancer. Natural cancer cures are being squashed because drug companies do not welcome competition. If you are going to be healthy, you must acknowledge your human nature as well as how you interact with the natural world around you.

    A variety of alternative treatments exist, although you are unlikely to hear much about it from your doctor. Many of the treatments consist of every day foods. Many cancer cures are accredited to going on a total fruit and vegetable juice diet. Every one should know that most cancer research is mostly a fraud and that large cancer research organizations are dedicated in their duties to the people who support them. After all, natural cancer cures are a curse to Big Medicine, Big Pharmacies and the governments who are heavily under their influence. This is why so many cancer cures are being ignored by the medical profession.

    Clara Nolt is interested in cancer research and has recently launched a new book.Clara Nolt is also a successful Internet Marketer, helping others to succeed online. To see more of Clara Nolt's work go to:
    Cancer Cure–The Book
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