Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Organically Grown Foods And Your Health

Growing your own organic food is a good choice. Growing organic foods is better for both the environment and also healthier for our bodies. However, it is not an easy task. It is a standard known fact that the land we use to grow organic produce should be at least three years without pesticides.

Health benefits include higher nutrient levels and lower pesticide residue. Also you can be assured that there are no additives, such as, preservatives and food colorings which cause chemical imbalance in the body. The soil, water and air are likewise benefited.

During animal feeding trials, it was discovered that animals that were fed with organically grown food had noticeable improvement in overall health and recovery from illness. It would be very beneficial to have more organically grown food as an option in our stores to choose from, which would provide for a much healthier lifestyle for many people.

As people are becoming more and more conscious of their health, organically grown foods are becoming more available. An organic diet will improve overall health in more ways than one. You will have the benefit of extra fiber in a natural diet of unrefined foods which helps the digestive system and the complete body to function more naturally. Organic grown produce has greater nutritional value than those grown commercially.

It can often get more expensive to eat healthy organic foods in the short term, but in the long term it could save from expensive hospital and doctor bills and you will more than likely experience a longer, healthier life span. By changing your lifestyle and eating healthy foods, you will improve on your health, giving your body the ability to enhance the immune system, which in turn, helps to ward off illness and disease caused by toxins in the body.

Organic food is natural and very delicious to the taste, without all the pesticides that are present in commercially grown foods. You should choose to eat mostly fruits and vegetables, as there is much nutritional content that will work together to keep a clean and healthy colon. We are constantly surrounded with environment of fast and processed foods which are so lacking in the nutrition that is found in nature. It is also considered that obesity may be caused in great part by a lack of good nutrition. Those that are concerned with fighting against diseases already know that the human body was designed to fight off diseases before they establish themselves.

Consumers,by a large part, are not aware of all the chemicals and pesticides that are in commercially grown foods. Therefore, they are not aware of the enormous benefits of organically grown food. There are more and more horror stories that should cause people to be aware of the danger of the poisonous chemicals that are killing our children and families.

In Northeast Portland, there is a place called, Wholefoods Market Fremont, which offers a large selection of healthy foods grown organically. Then in the Midwest you can find a wholesaler known as, United Natural Foods. Concern about farming practices among large farmers, has caused a huge demand for organic and health food staples.

By Clara Nolt
Clara Nolt is interested in health and cancer research. Some of Clara's work can be seen at
  • Cancer Cure Book and One Stop Health Resources
  • Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Cancer Cure, Prevention, Treatments and Diet

    The dream of curing cancer is no longer a dream. Alternative cancer cures are being hushed because drug companies wants no competition. The foremost step to curing cancer is to get as far away from american pharmaceutical medicine as possible! The horrible truth is that curing cancer is no longer about the cure or the patient, but about greed .and politics. For instance, doctors prescribe high cost treatments that haven't been tested or uncertain in the effectiveness of curing cancer, and in some circumstances are, without doubt, cancerous themselves.

    How long is it going to take before Americans will ultimately stop supporting the cancer industry at the expense of thousands and thousands of lives each year, and begin to be arduous about cancer prevention and the true cures that exist already. Cancer prevention and cures are simply a threat to the cancer industry. The prevention, cure and cause of one kind of cancer also applies to other kinds and possibly all degenerative diseases as well. Cures are now realistic because we have learned what triggers cancer and we also know how to stop these deadly diseases in their tracks.

    If you or a loved one are facing a frightening diagnosis of cancer and are feeling pressured into using mainstream conventional treatments, such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, you are not alone. The less you know about cancer, the easier it will be for the cancer industry to manipulate you and seduce you into their system of harmful treatments. Too many people have watched loved ones miseribly die after suffering the horrible side effects of toxic conventional methods. More and more are turning to alternative methods instead. The pharmaceutical industry uses their huge amounts of money to pay others to keep quiet and crush the truth about alternative treatments for cancer. Until a medical facility is established that incorporates all potential therapies into individualized treatments, cancer patients, along with their families, must become self empowered and fully educated about their disease. Medical treatments do retard disease progression, but have done little to prolong life.

    The AMA tries to discredit all of these alternative therapies and at the same time is making a fortune managing all of these diseases that are easily preventable and curable if people will just turn to therapies like raw or slightly cooked foods and eliminate all animal products and processed foods from their diets. Diet, exercise, reducing exposure to environmental risks and not smoking will greatly improve your over all health. Eating foods of different colors will have a tremendous effect in preventing and curing cancer. Curing cancer is very easy when you make fundamental changes to your diet and lifestyle.

    The fiber content of our diets began going down as we began eating more and more refined foods. A high fiber diet moves through the intestines faster and easier and produces a soft stool that is easy to discharge. A low fiber diet, on the other hand, will produce adverse effects. A high fat diet may play a part in the development of particular cancers. An alkaline diet is composed of very little meat and sugar and lots of fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet is fat and sodium restricted and high in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. A diet lacking in basic nutrients can weaken the immune function and raise the risk of several types of cancer. Natural cancer cures are being squashed because drug companies do not welcome competition. If you are going to be healthy, you must acknowledge your human nature as well as how you interact with the natural world around you.

    A variety of alternative treatments exist, although you are unlikely to hear much about it from your doctor. Many of the treatments consist of every day foods. Many cancer cures are accredited to going on a total fruit and vegetable juice diet. Every one should know that most cancer research is mostly a fraud and that large cancer research organizations are dedicated in their duties to the people who support them. After all, natural cancer cures are a curse to Big Medicine, Big Pharmacies and the governments who are heavily under their influence. This is why so many cancer cures are being ignored by the medical profession.

    Clara Nolt is interested in cancer research and has recently launched a new book.Clara Nolt is also a successful Internet Marketer, helping others to succeed online. To see more of Clara Nolt's work go to:
    Cancer Cure–The Book
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